Differences between Personal and Company business profiles in Real Estate Bees platform

Differences between Personal and Company business profiles

When you join Real Estate Bees platform as a real estate professional, you'll be able to have two types of publicly-visible business profiles.
  1. Personal business profile
  2. Company business profile
In this article you will learn the unique differences between the Personal and Company business profiles to better understand how to properly utilize both type of profiles for your real estate business.

The below chart demonstrates the key differences in the  functionality of Personal and Company business profiles. 

Personal Profile
Company Profile
Intended for an individual (person)
Intended for a business (company)
Allows uploading of a personal headshot photoYesNo
Allows uploading of a company logo image
Allows uploading of a personal biography
Allows uploading of a company overview
Allows adding team members
Allows recruiting talent

As you can see, the core idea behind these two distinct profile types is to differentiate between an individual (person) and an entity (company).

This approach allows you to achieve the following benefits throughout the REB platform:
  1. Increase overall visibility - Both profiles are independent from each other and therefore can be separately discovered by users on the REB platform.
  2. Boost overall reputation - You're capable of developing each profile's reputation independently, which allows you to have more than one credible business profiles to attract clients.
  3. Connect with more prospects - Some people are looking to connect with an individual while other want to find a company.  Having Personal and Company profiles will allow you to attract both types of prospects.
To summarize.
Personal business profile allows those real estate professionals, whose business model requires them to be the face of the company, to establish that more personal connection with their prospects and help convert them into clients faster and more efficiently. If you want to learn more about Personal business profile, read this article.
Company business profile allows real estate professionals to showcase their company in a very elaborate and appealing way to their potential clients, strategic partners and recruits. If you want to learn more about Company business profile, read this article.
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