How to generate Real Estate Bees Reputation Badge to place on your website

How to generate a Reputation Badge to place on your website

When you join Real Estate Bees platform as a real estate professional, you instantly become eligible to earn various Reputation Badges and Seals, which then you can use in your marketing to demonstrate your expertise and credibility.

In this article you will learn how to generate a Reputation Badge inside your REB dashboard so you could post it on your website.

To generate your Reputation Badge, follow these simple steps:

1) Log in to your Real Estate Bees account using your email address and password.

2) Click "Badges & Seals" tab on the left-hand side navigation.
3) Inside the "Badges & Seals" tab choose your preferred badge style from the 4 available styles.

NOTE: For the sake of this demonstration, in the example above you see a badge for the Realtor category. However, while in your own dashboard, depending on the category you've selected when you joined REB platform, you will see a badge with the appropriate category title.

4) Now when you've decided on a badge style, select from the dropdown your most important location (city) in which you want to be the most visible to your target audience.

For example, let's say while specifying your service areas in either your Personal or Company business profile, you listed two locations - Houston TX and Dallas TX as your target areas where you do your business in.

However, your main target area is Houston TX. In this case you will need to select "Houston, TX" in the location dropdown like shown below.

NOTE: Technically you can select any city from your service areas you've listed. However, the whole premise here is for your clients to see you in the list of top real estate professionals in your main target market if they click your Reputation Badge on your website. 

5) Once you've selected the location, choose the preferred size of your badge from the dropdown like shown below.

NOTE: You can always preview how your badge will look like by clicking "PREVIEW BADGE" button.

6) Copy generated html code by clicking "COPY CODE" button like shown below and paste this code on your website where you want to proudly display your Reputation Badge!

NOTE: If you need assistance with placing your Reputation Badge on your website, please feel free to submit a support ticket and our team will help you out.

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