How to add specialties to your business profile in Real Estate Bees platform

How to add specialties to your business profile

In this step-by-step article you will learn how to add specialties to either your Personal or Company business profile by utilizing Specialties feature.

To get to Specialties feature, follow these simple steps:

1) Log in to your Real Estate Bees account using your email address and password.

2) Under the "Business Profiles" tab, select the type of a business profile you wish to add service areas to.

NOTE: The process of adding/editing specialties in Personal and Company business profiles is identical.

3) Let's say you want to add specialties to your Personal business profile. Once you clicked "Personal Profile" link under the "Business Profiles" tab, you'll see your Personal business profile(s) similar to the image below and from there you'll need to click "EDIT" button to launch the profile editing wizard.

4) While inside the profile editing wizard, navigate to "Expertise" tab.

5) Inside the "Expertise" tab, scroll down until you see "Specialties" section that will look something like shown below.

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